Office Meal Delivery

Trade in that plastic for something the environment, and your employees, will thank you for.

Bring zero-waste lunches to your workplace today.

A happier team

Delight employees with an enhanced catering selection and an initiative that aligns with their values.

Know your impact

We measure your impact and send a regular report on your team’s contributions towards a more sustainable world. Our clients love celebrating their impact as a team!

Keep it simple

Order online from a simple platform designed for office delivery. After eating, leave containers in the return bin provided. Our team looks after regular pick-ups of empty containers.

Minimize costs

Meal options from a wide variety of restaurants to fit your budget.

“Our team loves seeing the difference we can make together in partnership with Suppli!”

“It’s not a huge spend and it was a no brainer for us to say YES.”

Made Possible in Partnership with

hungerhub is an online-ordering platform that makes office catering highly customizable through a simple ordering site designed specifically for office catering. Whether you’re looking for custom meals ordered by individual employees, or bulk orders placed by one person, we’ve created a solution for you — while also eliminating the packaging waste!

Looking to order for a one-off meeting or event?

Check out our Events Catering page

Get in touch today